Saturday 18 June 2022

Privacy Policy

Code Builders Apps has implemented this Privacy Policy to clarify how it gathers, stores, and employs information linked to its apps and website, collectively referred to as the "Services."

By installing, using, registering for, or otherwise accessing the Services, you express your agreement to this Privacy Policy and provide explicit and informed consent for the processing, utilization, and disclosure of your personal data as per this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please refrain from installing, using, registering for, or accessing the Services.

Code Builders Apps reserves the right to make reasonable modifications to this Privacy Policy, so we recommend regularly reviewing it. Continued use of the Services indicates your acceptance of any changes to this Privacy Policy.

Non-personal data

In the context of this Privacy Policy, "non-personal data" refers to information that does not directly identify you. This also includes "aggregate" and "de-personalized" information, which is data collected by Code Builders Apps about the usage of its services, with any personally identifiable information removed.

Code Builders Apps may employ tools or third-party analytical software to automatically collect and utilize specific non-personal data that cannot be used to directly identify you. Types of non-personal data may include, but are not limited to: (i) device characteristics such as IP address, Media Access Control ("MAC") address, and unique device identifiers; (ii) device software platform and firmware; (iii) mobile phone carrier; (iv) geographical data; (v) game progress, time spent playing, scores, and achievements; (vi) other non-personal data necessary for enhancing the Services and other Code Builders Apps products.

Code Builders Apps utilizes Firebase and Google Analytics tools in all its apps to analyze and develop the Services. If you wish to opt-out from Firebase and Google Analytics, please refer to the following links:

You acknowledge and agree that the analytics companies used by Code Builders Apps may merge the collected information with data they have independently gathered from other services or products linked to your activities, following their own privacy policies.

Personal Data

In the context of this Privacy Policy, "personal data" refers to personally identifiable information that can identify you as an individual. Code Builders Apps does not collect any personal information through its applications. When you download and use our mobile applications, no information is required or collected.

We Do Not Collect Children's Information

If you are under 13 years of age or considered a minor in your country of residence, please seek permission from your legal guardian before using or accessing the Services. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. If a user identifies themselves as a child under 13 through a support request, we will not collect, store, use, or securely delete any personal information.

In-Game Advertising (Ad Serving Technologies)

Code Builders Apps may employ third-party ad serving technologies that gather information during ad serving within the Services. Demographic and location information, as well as data logged from your hardware or device, may be used to ensure relevant advertising within the Service. This may include information like IP address, Device ID, MAC address, software, applications, hardware, browser information, internet and online usage details, and in-game data. This data will be used and disclosed as outlined in this Privacy Policy and the ad serving technology company's privacy policy.

You acknowledge and agree that the advertising companies delivering ads for Code Builders Apps may combine this information with data they have independently collected from other services or products, following their own privacy policies. These ad serving technologies are integrated into the Services, so if you do not wish to be subject to this technology, please refrain from using or accessing the Services.

The primary companies used in all Code Builders Apps apps are:

Code Builders Apps strongly advises all users of its services to review the privacy policies of these companies.

Third-Party Terms and Conditions

Please be aware that your use of the Services may be subject to third-party terms and conditions and privacy policies, including application stores, map data providers, mobile software platforms, online gaming platforms, social networking services, and payment providers. You acknowledge that Code Builders Apps is not responsible for these third-party terms and conditions or their handling of your personal data.

Code Builders Apps may, at its discretion, provide links to third-party products or services through advertisements or other means. While using such products or services, you are engaging with offerings created and managed by entities not affiliated with or controlled by Code Builders Apps. Code Builders Apps is not accountable for the actions of these entities, the content of their products or services, your data provided to them, or any products or services they may offer. Code Builders App's linking to these products or services does not imply sponsorship or affiliation.


When you visit our website, we may send cookies to your browser for unique identification. These cookies are used to enhance our service quality by storing user preferences and tracking usage information. Most browsers allow you to disable cookies or configure them to notify you when cookies are being sent to your computer.


We employ various permissions to enhance your app experience:

INTERNET Permission:

Utilized in apps featuring advertisements to serve content.

Other Permissions:

Specific permissions are sought only when necessary for app functionalities. For instance, camera or local storage permissions are requested when capturing or editing photos/videos. Your consent is essential, and these permissions are acquired only after your approval.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at

Changes to Privacy Policy

Should we decide to alter this privacy policy, we will post such changes on this page. Code Builders Apps retains the right to modify any term of this privacy policy without prior notice. Therefore, we recommend visiting this page at least once a month to stay informed about any updated terms.

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